ESG & Impact

Sathguru Catalysers pursues an impact and ESG-driven investing philosophy, across the investment cycle. Our ESG and impact strategy is seamlessly embedded across all aspects of the investing process and ensures adherence with global reporting standards.

We are committed to investing in transformational ventures that drive measurable, long-term impact across agriculture, food, and healthcare, focusing on scientific innovation, sustainability, and equitable access.

Signatories for
Members of

Our investments will align with
Article 9 of the EU SFDR.

Our Theory of Change

Our Impact

1 mn
Tonnes of CO2 eq GHG emissions saved
Metric Tonnes of Food Wastage Saved in 2023
100 mn
kWh of Clean Energy Generated​
Farmers with reduced exposure to harmful chemicals ​
50 mn
Increase in Income for Smallholder Farmers (2018 – 2023)
0 mn
Farmers directly impacted
25 mn
Megalitres of Diesel saved
Hectares Increased arable land​