Our Catalyser

Shikhaa Munglani


Shikhaa Munglani is an Associate at Sathguru Catalysers. She brings expertise in venture analysis, market research, financial modeling, and startup ecosystem development.

Prior to joining Sathguru Catalysers, her work included analysing investor trends, creating detailed market reports, and building strategic partnerships to support early-stage enterprises. She has also developed mentorship programs, managed daily operations, and implemented initiatives that significantly expanded the organization’s network of enterprises. She has worked for over 3 years leveraging technology to optimize operations, including implementing process automation solutions and designing unified databases for large-scale projects. Her experience spans streamlining workflows, improving efficiency, and driving innovation through data-driven strategies.

Shikhaa holds a Master’s in Finance from the University of Manchester and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Symbiosis International University. She has also completed certifications in Private Equity and Venture Capital from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and ESG Specialization from the University of Pennsylvania.